Accident & Emergency Services

Situated at the main entrance of Timberland Medical Centre. Services provided 24 hours a day, 7 day a week.

The Timberland Medical Centre Accident & Emergency Department also serves as Registration, Information and Customer Service Counter. Your one-stop shop for all enquiries. Services available:

Various kind of trauma including motor vehicle accident, industrial accident , domestic accidents and others

Cardiac emergencies such as myocardial infarct, arrhythmias and others

Neurological diseases such as CVA and intracranial bleeds

Obstetrician and gynae emergencies

Obstetrician and gynae emergencies

Paediatric emergencies

Respiratory emergencies

ENT emergencies

Ophthalmology emergencies

Urology emergency

Diabetic ketoacidosis (or DKA, a life-threatening problem that affects people with diabetes)

Hypertensive emergency (severe increase in blood pressure)

Thyrotoxicosis (excessive release of thyroid hormones, causing adrenergic hyperactivity)

Any other emergencies

The diagnostic process at the Emergency may involve various departments (modalities) such as the clinical laboratory services and imaging services. Once the patient has received the urgent medical intervention, he or she is transferred to a ward for further observation and treatment.

Photo of Dr. Chin Ching Peng

Dr. Chin Ching Peng

Medical Officer


Photo of Dr. Jane Ho Hui Guan

Dr. Jane Ho Hui Guan

Medical Officer


Photo of Dr. Oh Chong Keat

Dr. Oh Chong Keat

Medical Officer


We provide emergency ambulance services with advance life support equipment, trained and experienced paramedics and nurses.

  1. 24 Hours Emergency Ambulance Service.
  2. Qualified medical personnel equipped to handle emergencies.
  3. Out-patient clinic appointment pickup & patient escort to airport, bus terminal, home and other destinations