
Urology is the study to examine the colour, odour, and texture or health of the urine; checking for bubbles, blood and other signs to determine types of diseases in patients.

The urologists at Timberland Medical Centre are specialists in treating any part of the urinary tract system; such as the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra and adrenal glands.

Other than treating only the urinary tract system; they also treat the male/female reproductive system, nervous system, urinary problem in children and focuses on cancers of the urinary system.

When should a patient see a urologist? Patients experiencing symptoms such as blood in urine, a frequent or urgent need to urinate, pain in lower back, pelvis, or sides, pain or burning during urination, and trouble urinating. For men; a lump in the testicle, or decreased sexual desire. For females; an overactive bladder, pelvic organ prolapsed or urinary incontinence.

Our Specialists

Working within Urology

Photo of Dr. Teh Guan Chou

Dr. Teh Guan Chou


Resident Consultant