Angiography Laboratory

The Angiography Laboratory at Timberland Medical Centre is a specialized facility dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of vascular and cardiovascular conditions. Utilizing advanced imaging technology, our lab provides detailed visualizations of blood vessels, enabling precise evaluation and treatment of various conditions affecting circulation.
Invasive Angiography Laboratory
- Diagnostic
- Implantation of pacemaker
- Interventional
- Coronary Angiography
- Peripheral Angiogram
- Cerebral Angiogram
- Renal Mesenteric
- Others
Coronary angiography is an X-ray examination of the blood vessels or chambers of the heart. A very small tube (catheter) is inserted into a blood vessel in your groin or arm. The tip of the tube is positioned either in the heart or at the beginning of the arteries supplying the heart and a special fluid (called a contrast medium or dye ) is injected. This fluid is visible by x-ray and the pictures that are obtained are called angiograms.
Coronary angiography is done to find a blockage in the coronary arteries, which can lead to a heart attack. It may be done if you have unstable angina, atypical chest pain, aortic stenosis or unexplained heart failure.
- Balloon Angioplasty
- Local drug delivery
- Stent implantation
- Embolization of drugs
Balloon angioplasty is similar to stent implantation except without stent. Catheter / tube can be inserted to deliver drugs or to embolize substances in a particular blood vessel beds e.g. Lytic agents to digest clot or emboli to block haemoralgic vessels.
Stents are expandable metal mesh tubes that buttresses the dilated segment, limit restenosis. Drug eluting stents further reduce cellular proliferation in response to the injury of dilatation.