Neuro Diagnostic Services

Timberland Medical Centre offers a comprehensive range of Neuro Diagnostic Services to assess and diagnose conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system. Our advanced diagnostic tools and experienced specialists ensure accurate evaluations, enabling timely and effective treatment.
Neuro Diagnostic Services available:
Computerized tomography (CT scan)
This test uses x-rays and computers to create two- or three-dimensional pictures of selected body parts. Dye (contrast) may be injected into a patient s vein to obtain a better picture. The test takes only several minutes. Other than needle insertion for the dye, the test is painless.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
An MRI is an advanced way of taking pictures of the inner brain. It is harmless and involves magnetic fields and radio waves. It is performed with a patient lying in a chamber for about 30 minutes. Because MRI utilizes a very strong magnet, if you have metal in your body other then dental fillings, notify your doctor. Be sure to tell your doctor if you suffer from claustrophobia (fear of closed areas). The test is painless.
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
The EEG records the brain s continuous electrical activity through electrodes attached to the scalp. It is used to help diagnose episodes such as seizures, fainting or black out and occasionally structural diseases of the brain. This test takes about an hour and is painless.
Electromyogram (EMG)
An EMG measures and records electrical activity from the muscles and nerves. This may be helpful in determining the cause of pain, numbness, tingling or weakness in the muscles or nerves. Small needles are inserted into the muscle and mild electrical shock are given to stimulate the nerve. Discomfort may be experienced with this test.
Sleep studies
Involve tests that diagnose specific causes of sleep problems. To perform this test, it is often necessary for a patient to spend a night in a sleep laboratory. Brain wave activity, heart rate, electrical activity of the heart, breathing, oxygen in the blood, body position, and leg movements are all measured during sleep tests. The test is painless.